(And give yourself a severe
case of eyestrain...)
(The future isn't what it
used to be....)
(May 23, 2002)
(7K Hits-March 11, 2002)
(5K Hits-January 27, 2002)
(3K Hits-December 15, 2001)
(“The Twilight Zone Theme" begins)
Consider this. A sixteen year old Tomoeda girl named Sakura Kinomoto, and her three friends are kidnapped by an evil and deranged madman.
Dr. Eriol: HEY! I resent that!
TV’s Ruby Moon: Would you keep it down, ferret face?
TV’s Spinel Sun: Yeah, I’m trying to sleep over here!
TV’s Ruby Moon: Quiet, Suppi!
TV’s Spinel Sun: I AM NOT SUPPI!!
Dr. Eriol: Why me?
into space and held captive aboard an orbiting satellite and forced to read the
most hideous anime fanfiction ever created. To deal with horrible spelling and
grammar, bad plots, Out Of Character behaviour Kero: Don’t remind me. Tomoyo: Yeah, no sense
rubbing salt in the would. Sakura: You guys... Submitted
for your approval... You have entered... (Door
6: It slides open on both sides..) (Door
5: It's made of beads. They explode out towards you, and you move
on..) (Door
4: It falls toward you, missing your foot by inches.) (Door
3: It's a castle gate, that rises into the ceiling..) (Door
2: It’s made of mirrors. You risk the seven years bad luck and shatter them
with a hammer.) (Door
1: It splits in four ways, twice.) This
very cool art courtesy of Elizabeth Jaramillo! Thanks and Keep Circulating The
Fanfics! Season
One: 1) The Brain From
Planet Arous-A Ranma ½ Fic By Ryoucilo 2) The Mike Rhea
Anthology-Ranma ½ Fics By Mike Rhea (Loves
Me, Loves Me Not/ Akane Gets Drained/ Konatsu’s First Kiss) 3) Neon Ranma
Evangelion-A Ranma ½ /Neon Genesis Evangelion Fic By Khyron Kingkiller 4) Good Bye Sweet Li
(Part 1)-A Card Captor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By Lady Yuy 5) Stolen-A Magic
Knight Rayearth Fic By hikaru shidou 6) Good Bye Sweet Li
(Part 2)-A Card Captor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By Lady Yuy 7) The True Power Of
Love-A Card Captor Sakura Fic By poshul 8) Marco Polo-A
Magic Knight Rayearth Fic By hikaru shidou 9)
Madison’s Mystery Crush-A Card Captor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By
Chocolat* 10) Is It Reality Or Just A Trick-A
Sailor Moon Fic By Dr. Thinker Season Two: 11) The
Next Generation-A Card Captor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By JimAndZazu 12) Caught
In The Act-A Card Captor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By Second Sailor Destiny 13) The
Shadow Leaders-A Sailor Moon Fic By Dr. Thinker 14) Shinji’s
Alter-Ego-A Neon Genesis Evangelion Fic By John82 15) Sailor
Jupiter Vs. Godzilla-A Sailor Moon Fic By Flashman (Christian A. Rogers) 16) Temples, Captors And Knights(Part 1)-A
Card Captor Sakura/Magic Knight Rayearth Fic By Syaoran’s Lovertoy 17) No Need For CardCaptors-A Tenchi
Muyo/Card Captor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By Christina Horton 18) Temples, Captors And Knights (Part 2)-A
Card Captor Sakura/Magic Knight Rayearth Fic By Syaoran’s Lovertoy 19) Mother, May I [Take Over The World]?-A
Pokemon Fic By Mallet Boy 20)
Syaoran: Romeo... Not Really-A
Card Captor Sakura Fic By Golden Eyed Dragon
Season Three: 21)
Harry Potter And the Pantie Raiders-A Harry Potter Fic By Ice Blue X 22)
The Unforgettable Promise-A Love Hina Fic By KenshinRC 23)
To Find My Dad And Have A Family-A CardCaptor Sakura Fic By
MoshiMoshiQueen 24)
Revolutionary Girl Asuka-A Shoujo Kakumei Utena/Neon Genesis Evangelion Fic By Joyce K. Wakabayashi 25)
A Dream Come True-A CardCaptor Sakura Fic By Crytalina Rhapsody Draco 26)
The Only Constant-A Star Trek: The Next Generation Fic By Stephen Ratliff (Part 1,Part 2) 27) The Lionel Dark Anthology-Card
Captor Sakura(CardCaptors)/Lord
Of The Rings Fics By Lionel Dark (Signs That Say You’re
Like Lionel Dark/ More Signs The You’re Like Elle/ The Scythe Carrier) 28) The Ranma ½ Cast Does CCS-A
Ranma ½ / CardCaptor Sakura By Matthew Cline 29) Megamon
X-A Pokemon/Megaman X Fic
By Brock Shale 30)
Hotaru Goes To Hogwarts-A Sailor Moon/Harry Potter Fic By Saturn Angels (Part 1,Part 2,Part 3)
Season Four: The Aeris Gainsborough Arc 31) The Bubblehead, The Jerk And The High School-A Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing Fic By Jayde Summers (w/ short True Search-A Shoujo
Kakumei Utena Fic By SparkleOfEnergyHeidi) 32) Find You Again-A Vision Of
Escaflowne Fic By winged angel 33) The XXX Files-A Shoujo Kakumei Utena Fic By
Reanna R. King 34) First Release-A
CardCaptor Sakura/Ranma ½ Fic By Wishbringer 35)
Bubblegum Card-Ep. 3.1415-A Bubblegum Crisis/X-Men Fic By Kris Overstreet 36)
The Black Hole-A Pokemon Fic By Dr. Thinker 37) If You Only Knew-An
Angelic Layer Fic By LRPLI
Little Rabbit (w/ short
Teaching Aeris-A Final Fantasy VII Fic By Sirius Dogstar) 38)
Asuka Vs. Godzilla-A Neon Genesis Evangelion Fic By Austin Covello 39)
Sakura's Story-A Street Fighter Alpha Fic By RanmaSolo1 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) 40)
Nadesico: A New Ally-A Martian Successor Nadesico Fic By Genro
Five: 41) Lunar: Silver Star Story-CCS
Style-A CardCaptor Sakura/Lunar: Silver Star Story Fic By Manda-chan Deep Fried SPAM: 1)
Why Not Make A Little Money While Surfing The Net 2) Now Offering For Your “Sensitive”
Delight… New And Improved! 3)Why RPGS Should Be Severely Censored And Devoid Of Character Development
Bilingual Editions: 14) Shinji’s
Alter-Ego-A Neon Genesis Evangelion Fic By John82 (Italian Version-Translated
by Shin-Chan) Specials: -Christmas Special-Under The
Mistletoe/Tsubasa Gets What He Deserves-Ranma ½ Fics By Mike
Rhea -Summaries
Of Suffering (Vol. 1)-A CCST3K Spin-off By Ciircee and Chelle-Sama -Summaries
Of Suffering (Vol. 2)-A CCST3K Spin-off By Ciircee and Chelle-Sama -DVD Director's Commentary-Stolen-Magic Knight Rayearth Fic By hikaru shidou The CCST3K Magical MSTery Mini-Series
Collection: Li Clan Chronicles: 1) Obsession
(Part 1)-A CardCaptor Sakura (CardCaptors) Fic By
Second Sailor Destiny Dead Or Alive:
Xtreme Fanfic MSTing: 1)
Megaman Legends Trilogy-A Megaman
Legends/Misadventures of Tron Bonne Fic By Ian Jenkins
The Magical MSTery Spriter's Tour: 1)
Not So Fatal Fury-A Ranma 1/2/Fatal Fury Fic By Kelvin "Lynch" Lee 2)
Street Fighter: Warrior's Legacy-Street Fighter Fic By Ben Hutchins (Eyrie Unlimited) 3)
Sailor DigiMoon-A Sailor Moon/Digimon Fic By Auntie Nuriko and Lucemon Mistress
Other MSTings:
Season One: 1)
What If Meowth Was A Girl?-A Pokemon Fic By Dr. Thinker 2)
Sailor Trigger-A Sailor Moon/Chrono Trigger Fic By Sailor Koban (Part One, Part Two) (w/ short BB Hood’s Rampage-A DarkStalkers Fic By FlamingSmileyFace) 3) Believe-A Street Fighter Fic By Blackjack Gabbiani 4)
Blind Date-A King of Fighters Fic By The Unknown1 (Part 1, Part 2) Links
To Other Sites: Shinji’s Vault Of Anime MSTings
–The largest of the MSTing archives. Everything
you could hope for in one place Mystery Science
Theater 3000: Invader Zim Style-MSTings by Mandy Morris. For those who need a break
from anime MSTs An MSTing For All
Seasons-Home to three
great MSTers; Megane 6.7, Zoogz and Jack Acid Scattered Thoughts Run by one of my college classmates. She's a lot of fun and so is this site. But watch out for the yaoi. More
Gift Art From Elizabeth Jaramillo! Mamotte Shugogetten Banner Designed by Urban Cinderella
Kâdo Master: The Mirror, The Rain, The Arrow, The Power, The Fight, The Watery, The Firey, The Song, The Sword, The Twin The Voice, The Wood, The Big, The Little, The Bubbles, The Flower, The Cloud ]
Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations are trademarks
of and (c) 2002 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights reserved. Keep
Circulating the Fanfics.... The CCST3K ZONE
(Cue "Card Captor Science Theater 3000 Love Theme" in 5....4....3....)
It's the not-too-distant future,
Last Sunday BC
There was this girl named Sakura
Quite different from you or me
She captured Clow Cards with her friends
All seen through Tomoyo’s camera lens
They tried to save the human race,
But Eriol lost his patience
So he shot them into space!!!!
Sakura: (Hoeeee...)
Syaoran and Tomoyo: (Now what?)
We'll send them crappy fanfics
The worst we can find (lalala)
They'll have to sit and read them all and we'll monitor their minds (lalala)
Now keep in mind they can't control
When the fanfics begin or end (lalala)
Because, let’s face it, after all
Eriol’s not really their friend;
'Why me?'
'I hate my life.'
'It’s not my fault!'
If you're wondering how they eat and breathe
And other science facts (lalala)
Then repeat to yourself
*It's just a MiST*
You should really just relax
For Card Captor Science Theater 3000!!!
(Door .7: A beam of golden light erupts from the floor. You walk into it.)
Visit Our New Sister Site, Aeoruuk's Yu-Gi-Oh Science Theater 3000!
- X-01: The Beginning-Manga Translation By Tonghyun "Vajra" Kim and Iain Sinclair (MSTed with April Hamilton)
Totally Spies Theater 3000:
Gift Art And
Awards I've Recieved!
test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?